
A Place of Divine Revelation

I just got back from 5 days in Utah. I've been going to the desert in late spring for almost a decade. There is just something about it's call that I can never seem to resist. The ancients called the desert the place of divine revelation. It's that, but it's more than that. Life is very condensed in the desert. The roots of living things hold on to that last drop of water and the flower hoards its moisture by only appearing in the early morning and late afternoon. As Clarissa Pinkola Estes writes, "Life in the desert is small but brilliant". The desert is not lush like a forest or jungle. It is sparse, dry, wind blown and sun-drenched. It is intense and mysterious and most of what occurs goes on underground. I need periods of living a desert life: times of being small on the surface, but wild and intense underground. And I have to admit, wonderful things can come from that sort of psychic distribution. In the desert I am drawn to all in life that sustains me, I am drawn to the underground; that mysterious, lush and wild place of the soul. It is what happens there that makes the spectacle of the flower possible.


Jim said...

Sunshine without rain makes a desert.~ Arabian Proverb

Christine said...

Your beautiful writing brought back memories for me from many, many years ago. I needed to remember...sometimes we forget on the surface but the feeling of it all is always there inside. I remember the air, the sun, the feeling. The desert in bloom. An awesome sight. Thank you for sharing... :)

bea said...

I must agree with Christine. Your writing touches a cord that is woven amongst the fabric of who I was, am, and will become. I look forward to following your blogs.