
The Devastating Beauty of This Life

Tradition teaches that Soul lies midway between understanding and unconsciousness. It is that earthy, complex and often mysterious realm of essence. Thomas Moore in his book, Care of the Soul, writes, "Care of the soul is not a project of self-improvement nor a way of being released from the troubles and pains of human existence."

The path of the soul takes us to the brink of precipices and sometimes over them...

This Life

Like you, I go on living as though this life
is not utterly horrific and utterly exquisite.

As though this life does not bring you to your knees
again and again,

Does not give you wings to soar over the canyons with ecstasy.

I, for once,
want to run to the village square
tear my clothes in fury
shake my fists to the heavens
and roar with rage
foaming at the mouth.

I want to fall on my knees in gratitude
let the rain of Grace fall upon me
turn my tear-washed face
towards the sky,

And sing the devastating beauty of
this life.

Mary Papacostaki in, Sister'sSinging


Audrey said...


Sean said...

Great blog. I look forward to your next post.

Inner Artist said...

Sometimes one comes across something that touches something deep in one's heart. This just did. Thank you - it's truly beautiful.